An introduction to the support and services available at our university
The Accessibility Team offers support, information and guidance on any disability-related matters within our Universities. Support is available to students with a range of disabilities and long term conditions such as autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, a mental health condition (e.g. depression, anxiety, etc.), a long-term health condition (e.g. epilepsy, IBS, diabetes, etc.), a physical or a sensory condition. Support is tailored on an individual basis in order to ensure access to the most effective support for you. Some examples of support other students have found useful are:
- Exam or Assessment adjustments (e.g. extra time, use of a PC, etc.)
- Support with reading and research (e.g. extended book loans, assistance to locate or/and collect research material, access to alternative formats, etc.)
- Access to specialist equipment and assistive software (e.g. text-to-speech to assist with research and proofreading, mind mapping to assist with planning and organising your work, a recording device to assist with note taking, etc.)
- Access to handouts and notes in advance of taught sessions
- 1:1 Support (e.g. Mentoring etc.)
There are also the following general support services:
- The Study Hub website has a wide range of resources, information and advice to help you study more effectively.
- Productivity tools has advice on free apps and technology to help you study more effectively.
- ASK Academic Skills provide study skills advice and bookable 1:1 appointments to help with areas such as referencing.
- The Multifaith Chaplaincy offers quiet spaces on both campuses for students of all faiths or none. Pop along for a cup of tea and a chat if you need to get away from it all for a bit.
What to do next?
Contact the Accessibility Team to find out more about the support available to you
Practical tips
Where possible we would suggest you contact our Accessibility Team as soon you have an offer of a place. This will give us plenty of time to talk about your support and get it in place for when you start. We are happy to meet with you in person and help you familiarise yourself with the campus.
To contact the Accessibility Team to talk about any adjustments you may require, please phone or email:
T: 01326 370 460